ReflectionClass: "Talking about Culture, Technology (and Anti-Economic Discrimination)"

07 November 2023

ITB hosts the Independent Student Exchange #3 program.

PT LAPI ITB had the opportunity to be invited to share insights in the Reflection Class which on that occasion was represented by the Director of PT LAPI ITB, Mr. M Hariyadi Setiawan.

This time Talk about Culture, Technology (extends to STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math & Management) and the Socio-Economic impact of the interaction of the two.

What important things are the concerns and concerns of this younger generation. How to respond with action. Further elaborated on the important FEW (Food Energy and Water) sector and the role carried out by PT LAPI ITB, as an ITB-owned enterprise and a connector between ITB resources to the public, to contribute to solutions.

Students with various study program origins from other campuses and islands outside Java are critical of discussing and voicing aspirations.

We hope that they can become connecting points for the ITB and PT LAPI ITB networks that have the task of collaborating with resources beyond ITB.